Light up your fun with 50+ recorded sessions

The Fierce Awakened Women Conference

Fierce Awakened Woman

2023 Creativity Jam

Go ahead... Put Some FUN in your Fierce!

Want to Feel Even More Fierce, Fun and Fantastic?

Power up your Joy Journey with courage, confidence and creative chutzpah!

Calling in Courage, Confidence and Creative Chutzpah

Wake up your joy.

Make midlife magical.

Energize your enthusiasm.

Put on your crone crown and play.

Weave wonder into your daily routines.

Showing up with enough courage and confidence to make every day matter means more than wishing it into being.

You know you're in the flow when:

  • You're paying attention to your AHA! moments and following your bliss.

  • You're choosing to pivot, even if you're scared, uncertain or nervous about the outcome.

  • You're taking a pause to delight in the constantly changing here and now.

  • And you're continuously scouting out what makes you feel brave, bold, beautiful at this stage of life.

The Fierce Awakened Women Conference | A group of woman getting together and having fun

But...Joy Journeying is not always easy.

It takes heaps of creative chutzpah to invent the next steps on your path.

It takes big doses imagination to map out life's adventure and make it meaningful.

It takes bundles of gusto, resilience and self-love to trust your intuition, and unwavering willingness to transform your everyday habits into profound human experiences.

And, yeah, sometimes it's really hard to muster up the energy, time, and resources to dance, draw, meditate, paint, play, sing, write, walk in nature, or do that thing that makes your heart smile.

I get it.

I've been there, too.

Maybe right now you're...

Wishing for more clarity about the path you're on and where you're heading.

Anxious about stepping out of your comfort zone and moving in a new direction.

Not exactly sure which superpower you need at this crossroad.

Disheartened that your effort doesn't seem to be paying off in the ways you hoped.

Maybe you've just lost your creative edge.

Maybe you need a shift in perspective.

Maybe you have forgotten what it feels like to play just for the sake of playing.

If any of those sentiments ring true,

then this year's Fierce Awakened Woman Creativity Jam is for you!

I see you.

I see the Fierce Awakened Woman you are now... and are still becoming.

Let me ask you this...

Who would you be if you filled your cup with...

a little more courage...

a little bit more confidence...

a little bit more creative chutzpah?


Become even more of the confident, wise crone you are, the one who knows when to say YES! to life's generous invitations.

Show up bravely and boldly to embrace your Joy Journey, while weaving harmony, grace and integrity into every step.

Be give fear

the middle finger, and be dauntless in taking measured risks in fulfilling the dreams that call to you now.

It's all waiting for you, and the power comes in the asking...and the follow-through.

Bring all of you into our play space - your messiness, uncertainty, doubts, questions, joy, wholeness, tenderness, love and light. We want to see ALL of you, in all the ways you are.

Be with us in a virtual global circle.

Take a rest on life's busy highway.

Fill up your cup with whatever you need!

The Fierce Awakened Woman Creativity Jam

provides the creative play space you need to...

Romp and frolic with renewed zeal


Discover your G.E.M.S.

(That's Always On My Way speak for Genius Energy in My Space)


Gather with like-minded women cultivating their joy


Harness the new moon and solar eclipse energy to dream a new dream.

More than 30 guides, mentors and way-makers share the wisdom
they learned from their own journeys on life's spiral path.

Come and learn from our expert speakers.
Come and learn from each other.

Meet your MC – Jenn Baljko

Jenn is a mentor, published author, motivational speaker, long-distance walker, and lifelong student of the big and small wonders of the world.

As a Fierce Awakened Woman way-maker, she encourages midlife women to tap into their courage, confidence, and creative chutzpah so they can live their lives, on purpose, with more joy, playfulness, and oomph. Her Always on My Way signature offerings include a mix of meditation, movement, embodiment practices, rituals, and creativity intervals that unify mind, body, heart and soul.

In parallel, Jenn is mindful writing mentor and developmental editor for non-fiction books and memoirs. Drawing on nearly 30 years of journalism experience, she guides aspiring writers through the writing and editing process and prepares them for publishing.

Jenn is currently leading herself and 11 other women through a year-long collaborative book project. Fierce Awakenings: Calling in Courage and Confidence to Walk Life's Spiral Path will be published in September 2023 by Red Thread Books. Her co-authors are featured speakers at this year's third annual Fierce Awakened Woman Conference.

One of her most influential learning experiences comes from completing a 3.5-year, 16,000-kilometer walk across two continents, from Bangkok to Barcelona with the man she loves.

Jenn Baljko takes on the role of conference host, orchestrating an immersive and empowering experience for attendees. With her expertise and warm presence, Jenn ensures a seamless and enriching event where participants can connect, learn, and be inspired. As the conference host, Jenn creates an inclusive and supportive environment that fosters personal growth, self-expression, and meaningful connections among all attendees. Join Jenn as she leads the way and guides you through an unforgettable conference experience.

THE fierce awakened women CREATIVITY LIVES ON....

When And Where

The 5-day live event was held in October 2023. It was a blast!

Get in on a good thing and watch the 50+ recorded sessions at your own pace until the next equinox, March 20, 2024!

EXPAND Your Joy JOurney

Gather with 30 visionaries, authors, mentors, ceremonialists, embodiment practitioners, life coaches and way-makers on this year's virtual stage.

These experts provide glimmers of what's possible when your mind, body, heart, and spirit shape your next-step choice.

Join OUR Online community

Connect with like-minded, free-spirited, midlife women

(and some men who Joy Journey alongside us)

in our Fierce Awakened Woman Facebook Group.


Listen. Learn. Share. REST.

Celebrate. Make. Move. Step Forward.

Our words for the 2023 Creativity Jam.

This year, we're going on a Joy Journey to the center of ourselves, sharing stories from our individual spiral paths and the wisdom we learned along the way. We'll celebrate with full-moon and eclipses ceremonies, use our hands to craft our next-step map, and rest and prepare our bodies for the onward adventure.

What makes Our Fierce Awakened Woman

Creativity Jam so Special...

Our speakers, of course!!!

Each year, a diverse group of women speakers come to our virtual stage with different backgrounds,

different life experiences and different global perspectives. They speak from a place of inner truth,

and inspire all of us to keep inventing and walking life's spiral path.

Our participants are pretty amazing, too!

Our annual Creativity Jam brings hundreds of women (live and via on-demand access) together

from everywhere in the world. In a safe, global, virtual circle, we gather to create, dance, imagine,

laugh, learn, meditate, play, rest and share.The more we come together, the clearer

our individual and collective Joy Journey becomes.

And each sessions brings us closer to the center of our own creative bliss!

Our five-day event invites each one of us to discover our unique gifts in creative ways.

Most importantly, it reconnects us to our long lost friend: Our playful, imaginative and wonder-full inner child,

the one who knows what makes us giggle with glee and stand taller with more confidence.

Meet our 30 Featured speakers

Jenn Baljko*

Creativity Jam Emcee

Writing Mentor ∞ Author


The Wind That Whispers To You: Write a New Story


MacIain, Ph.D.

Bestselling Author

Creative Flow Coach


Magnetize Your Movement with Energy Mastery

Amy Keach

Executive Coach

Senior Project Manager


Sisterhood Conversation:

Navigating Midlife and Expanding into Crone Wisdom

Anne-Laure Pelissier, Ph.D.

Executive ∞ Professor Activist


Crafting Your Map of Meaningful Work

April Lee*

Intuitive Healer ∞ Coach

Educator ∞ Author


Journey to the Front of the Room: Overcoming the Fear of Being Visible

Ashmi Ahluwalia

Intuitive Coach



Developing Our Inner Knowing: Listening

to the Heart

Ellison James*

Poet ∞ Artist ∞ Author



Finding the Path to Crone Wisdom

Jaime Goldstein

Intuitive Astrologer

Teacher ∞ Sound Healer


Claiming Your Creative Joy with Venus

Jessica Stokes

Entrepreneur ∞ Author

Labyrinth Facilitator


At Play in the Labyrinth: A Journey Through Life

Joanna Lynn Steffel*

Artist ∞ Author.

Self-Expression Guide


Finding Your Unique Expression of Your Trailblazing Voice

Jodi Targon

Novelist ∞ Screenwriter Teacher ∞ Channel


Reach for a New Star! Manifesting Your Soul’s Purpose Through Mindful Writing Prompts Using Tarot Cards

Josette Mills*

Midlife Fulfillment Coach

Business Owner ∞ Author


Navigating Transitions Through Strengthening Your Inner Knowing: Embracing Your Creative Power

Kathy Gates*

Trauma Therapist

Business Owner ∞ Author


A Masterclass in Rest:
Cut Out Distractions that Keep You from being Present and Restful


(Hock) Nixon

Humanitarian ∞ Yoga Teacher ∞ Nonprofit Leader


A Collective Pause Through Gentle Movement and Restful Yoga Nidra

Nicole Fabian*

Behavior Consultant

Reiki Practitioner ∞ Author


Awakening Your Chakras

Oonagh O'Sullivan

Yogini ∞ Dancer

Writer ∞ Musician


Sounds of Love Kirtan

Parisa Golchoubian

Engineer-Turned-Entrepreneur ∞ Artist


Designing the New You


Reeder Moore


Sacred Sites Tour Leader


Eclipse Ceremony: Awakening with the

Moon Goddesses

Rachel Onojafe

Astrologer ∞ Identity Coach ∞ Queen Activator


Discover Your Personal Leadership Style with Astrology

Roxanna Figueroa*

Sound Healer ∞ Functional Medicine Coach ∞ Author


Using your Superpower: Your Voice

Sai Bhanu

Somatic Movement Guide TRE Provider


TACO Time:

Thought Sharing, Acceptance, Community

and Openness

Sarah Hoskin*

Intuitive Guide ∞ Life Coach ∞ Author ∞ Pilgrim


Walking Deeply: Walking a Sacred Path in the Midst of the Ordinary

Shawna Burkholder*

Life Strategist ∞ Coach



Boundless Bravery: Embracing the Spiral Path of Transformation

Sierra Melcher

Best-selling author ∞ Speaker ∞ Publisher


Writing with the Moon: Tapping into Cyclical Creative Energies

Susan K. Smith*

Documentary Filmmaker Professor ∞ Author


Searching and Awakening: Courage and Living with Purpose

Wendelin Bartley


Sonic Awakening at Eleusis

Wendy Battles


Sisterhood Conversation: Navigating Midlife and Expanding into Crone Wisdom

Wendy Hutchinson


The Power of Soul Sovereignty


Peterman, Ph.D.*

Soil Scientist

Nature Guide ∞ Author


Forest Bathing for Relaxation and Belonging



Mind-Body Wellness Coach


Interrupt Unhealthy Patterns:

Restore & Recommit with intenSati

Worthing Noting:

Speakers with an asterisk * are Fierce Awakenings co-authors.

They will be sharing excerpts of their personal stories during a conference-related book reading on Thursday, Oct. 12.

Soak up the wisdom of these fierce, fun and fantastic women.

Learn from their experiences.

Stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone.

Don't miss this fun-filled, five-day creativity boost.
Your mind, heart, body and soul will thank you for years to come!




A Friday Fun Thing: Bring the popcorn... It's Movie Time!

Bangkok Barcelona On Foot Documentary Watch Party

A Global Virtual Debut


Jenn Baljko, the Fierce Awakened Woman Creativity Jam's emcee & executive producer,

and her love, Lluís Rodamón, walked 16,048 kilometers

from Bangkok, Thailand to Barcelona, Catalonia.

The 3.5-year adventure tested their strength and resilience,

and opened them to unexpected kindness in unexpected places.

It required all varieties of courage, confidence and creative problem-solving.

Quim Badenes held the vision of turning the walk into a film.

The resulting 27-minute documentary has been featured

in several international film festivals, and is now going

into global distribution, making its global online debut here!

Join Quim, Lluís and Jenn for a live virtual watch party

and Q&A discussion on Friday, Oct. 13!

Watch party included for Full and Premium Access ticket holders!

Come and ask us anything!



Come for the ConverSation.

Stay for the ceremony.

Play in Creative Bliss.


The 50+ recorded sessions from 30 fantabulous speakers are now available!

Enjoy them at your own pace, wherever you are, on whatever device you use until March 20, 2024

We followed these daily themes, but feel free to hopscotch around and follow your own bliss in whatever way

it intuitively calls to you!

Stories from the Spiral Path

* Come to life with our stories & appreciate how far they have taken us

* Spark new adventures with mindful writing and storytelling sessions

* Listen to women tell the tales of their Fierce Awakenings

Soaking Up Sister Sageness
* Learn from the lived experiences of midlife women and crones

* Call in your flavor of courage, confidence and creative chutzpah to take your next step

* Connect with like-minded women via speed-networking and meet-the-speakers sessions

Celebrate Life as a Ceremony

* Use the New Moon in Libra and Solar Eclipse energy to dream a new dream

* Take a sacred pause to acknowledge the genius connection of what's been true and what's coming forth

* Put on a new Goddess robe and sparkle with your inner shine

Create a Path Infused with Awe, Joy and Wonder

* Give space for your spirit to speak through your imagination, hands, creative body and higher mind

* Participate in hands-on crafting activities, like making, sigils, active daydreaming and other fun creativity intervals

Move with it Monday

* Remember our first language, the one we learned before we could speak: body language

* Release stuck emotions from your muscles, tissues and physical body

* Soothe yourself with embodiment practices

* Prepare your body for your onward adventure

The Fierce Awakened Women Conference schedule

What's in store for you...

  • Creativity Intervals 

  • New Moon Rituals 

  • Mindful Writing Prompts

  • Embodiment Practices 

  • Astrology Talks 

  • Book Readings 

  • Sisterhood Conversations 

  • Kirtan 

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Meditation 

  • EQ Exploration 

  • Sound Healing

    .....and soooo much more!


It's a wrap! The live event is finished!

But you can still access all the joy-filled moments of creative bliss!


On-demand access to 50+ recordings until the equinox March 20, 2024

Downloadable worksheets

Speakers' gifts and bonuses

Access to the private Fierce Awakened Woman Facebook Group

US $99.00

Ohhhh...Before you go...

We've got swag!


Try this on for size…

Brave. Bold. Beautiful.

Courageous. Confident.

Dazzling with Creative Chutzpah.


That’s who you are!

Express your inner fierce awakened woman with our exclusive line

of high quality t-shirts.

Go ahead wear your fierce!

Special shout-outs to anyone

who steps into the 2023 Creativity Jam wearing one of these t-shirts!


Have Questions? We've got answers.

How do I access the sessions?

If you registered for full or premium access, you will receive an email before Oct. 10 (a few days before the event kick-off) with all the links and information you need to access our Fierce Awakened Woman 2023 Creativity Jam Portal/Main Speaker Hub.

The Speaker Hub the landing spot for everything conference-related. You'll want to bookmark that link when you get it, and return to it often during the 5-day event.

If you signed up for the free access, you can watch 1 session a day either in the Fierce Awakened Woman Facebook Group or on our YouTube channel. Links to the sessions will be sent via email.

I can't make all the sessions. Will the recordings be available?

Yes...if you signed up for full or premium access you will have access to the replays.

Pre-recorded sessions with speakers will be available on-demand the day they are scheduled to air. Recordings of the live sessions will be posted as quickly as possible after the daily live event.

All sessions are expected to be ready for replay on or before Oct. 30, 2023.

You will have access to the conference replays until March 20, 2024.

My plans changed and I can't attend. Can I get a refund?

No. There are no refunds for purchased tickets.

The good news is if you purchased the full or premium access, you can watch the replays any time you want, as often as you like, until March 20, 2024.

The Fierce Awakened Women Conference logo

Explore your Flavor of FIERCE!

Let's JAM Together at the Fierce Awakened Woman CreativiTY JAm!

@ Copyright 2023 - Always On My Way | All rights reserved